About Us

Our home ground is Johor Bahru, this location allows PERUNDING YULI SDN BHD to set her objectives to service potential investors from neighbouring countries like Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and others as well but anywhere in Malaysia would also be equally important to us.
It is our history that, engineers are among those able to recognise and respect the vision and skill lying behind structures and systems inherited from the past. A deep rooted technological tradition – both at scientific level and in daily practice – has been an essential part of the Malaysian way of life for generations.
Mechanical and Electrical Aspects occur at all levels of Perunding Yuli Sdn Bhd Projects from feasibility studies to the preparation of tender documents, the appraisal of tenders, and basic engineering. The later includes preparing final designs for machinery and equipment, the supervision during erection and the subsequent testing. The activities of this section are particularly concerned with projects in the field of:
Housing DevelopmentTransportation
Industrial Hub
High-Rise Complexes
Water Treatment and Pumping Station
Generation and Distribution of Energy
A large proportion of the work of the Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Department consists in the design of Electrical Infrastructure of Housing Estates, Industrial Automation and Energy Conservation Programs. Mechanical & Electrical Services in high rise, etc.
In addition, our engineers also provide periodic inspection of electrical installation required under Malaysia Law.
PERUNDING YULI SDN BHD has also makes contribution in the field of Environmental Problems and is involved with foreign consultants like Renardet Engineering Consultant and Moody Tottrup International Ltd in Waste Water and Effluent Treatment Projects.